video film nature with the Doellerlab

Description: nature video is making a movie about VR in neuroscience and would like to include some shots of the scanner.
Tobias (Navarro Schröder) and me (Dörte Kuhrt), will be there to show them around.
Since we won't be scanning, we do not need the radiographers present. We will only show the the room and the equipment. We will make sure that they won't enter the scan-room with metal on their body.
Please leave the scanner on, so it looks more realistic.
If you have questions you can let me know!
Confirmation status: Confirmed
Room: MR NEVRO, St. Olav Hospital - TRIO 3T
Start time: 15:30:00 - Tuesday 11 June 2019
Duration: 3.5 hours
End time: 19:00:00 - Tuesday 11 June 2019
Type: MED
Created by: doertek
Modified by: doertek
Last updated: 13:48:41 - Friday 24 May 2019
Repeat type: None
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